Saatlerce üzerinde çalıştığınız PowerPoint sunumları, notlar veya kurumsal iletişim departmanınızın sizin için hazırladığı metinler… Konuşma yapmak için bu kaynakların hiçbirinin fayda etmediği ve kendinizi kaybolmuş hissettiğiniz oluyor mu?
Çoğu yönetici, bırakın ilham vermeyi, iletişim kurmakta zorlanıyor. Amacınızı gerçekleştirmek neden bu kadar zor ve insanları ateşe vermek için ne yapabilirsiniz?
Etkili hikaye anlatımı için Robert McKee, Story adlı kitabında şöyle diyor; “Etkileyici bir şekilde anlatılan önemsiz bir malzeme ile kötü bir şekilde anlatılan malumatlı malzeme arasında tercih yapılması gerektiğinde, dinleyici ‘etkileyici bir şekilde anlatılan’ öyküyü tercih edecektir.” … “Bir Buda sezgisine sahip olabilirsiniz ama eğer öykü anlatamıyorsanız, fikirleriniz tebeşir kadar kuru hale gelecektir.”
2010 TED Konuşmasında Dr. Brené Brown, “Hikayeler sadece ruhu olan verilerdir.” demiştir. Ruhu olan veriler… Hikayelerinizle gelen bu ruh, dinleyicilerinizi aslında hiç umursamadıkları veya anlamadıkları rakamlarınıza, yeni fikirlerinize bağlar. Verilerinizi insancıllaştırır ve akılda kalıcı olmasını sağlar. “Bir lider olarak topluluk önünde konuşma, empatinin kilidini açmanın, heyecan yaratmanın, bilgi ve iç görüleri paylaşmanın ve ortak bir hayali teşvik etmenin anahtarıdır.” (Chris Anderson, TED Talks)
Bunun için aslında iyi bir konuşmacı olmadığı bilinen Elon Musk’u ele alalım; 2018’deki üçüncü lansmanına kadar SpaceX’in tüm lansmanları başarısız geçmişti. Falcon roketi fırlatma rampasından düştükten hemen sonra patlayarak tüm çalışanların umutlarını yitirmesine sebep olmuştu. Çalışanların çoğu artık yeni bir şey dinlemek veya yapmak istemiyordu. 2018 yılındaki üçüncü lansmana gelindiğinde Musk onlarla konuşmak için dışarı çıktı. Elon, uykusuz geçen günlerinin ardından kendini toplayabildiği kadar metanetle, “Kendi adıma, asla pes etmeyeceğim ve asla demek istemiyorum” dedi. Ekileyici bir liderlik ve cesaret gösterisinin sayesinde ekibi geriye bakmak yerine ilerlemeye odaklandı. Zor olacağını her zaman biliyorlardı ama artık bir kararları vardı. Konuşmanın ardından o gün, tarih yazdılar ve fırlatmanın ilk etabını başarıyla tamamlayarak bir uzay aracını uzaya çıkardılar. Sadece kendilerini toplayıp işe geri dönmeleri gerekiyordu. Ve bunu başaran aslında kısa ve etkili bir konuşmaydı…
Musk örneğinde olduğu gibi, iyi bir konuşma sadece etki yaratmaz, harekete geçirir, insan kaynağı kaybını önler, güç, kültür, ortak hedef, motivasyon ve bağlılık yaratır ve sonuç olarak dünyayı değiştirecek başarılara ulaştırabilir.
Siz de bir kişiyle veya topluluk önünde konuşma yapmaya istekliyseniz önce kendinize şunu sorun; “Konuşmama bir hikaye eklemem bir fark yaratır mı? Dinleyicileri ikna eder mi? Karmaşık bilgileri daha net anlatmamı sağlar mı? Veya güçlü bir bağ kurar mı?”
Jeff Bezos’un dediği gibi, “En iyi teknolojiye sahip olabilirsiniz, en iyi iş modeline sahip olabilirsiniz, ancak hikaye anlatımı harika değilse, önemli değil. Kimse izlemeyecek.”
Günümüzde liderlikte başarının sırrı, donanımlı bir lider olmakta saklı.
Uluslararası kaynaklarımız ve alanında başarılı eğitmenlerimiz ile tasarlanan “liderlikte ve iş hayatında hikaye anlatımı” içerikli programlarımızdan, Türkiye başta olmak üzere dünyanın en büyük şirketleri ve en başarılı liderleri gibi siz de faydalanabilirsiniz;
PowerPoint presentations that you’ve been working on for hours, notes or texts prepared by your corporate communications department for you… Do you ever feel lost and that none of these resources are useful for giving a speech?
Far from inspiring, many managers have difficulty even in communicating. Why is it so difficult to achieve your purpose and what can you do to set people on fire?
For effective storytelling, Robert McKee says in his book Story: “When a choice has to be made between trivial material that is impressively told and well-known material that is poorly told, the listener will choose the ‘impressively told’ story.” … “You may have a Buddha intuition, but if you can’t tell stories, your ideas will become as dry as chalk.”
“When a choice has to be made between a insignificant material that is impressively told and an informative material that is poorly told, the listener will choose the ‘impressively told’ story.” says Robert McKee in his book named ‘Story’, regarding effective storytelling … “You may have a Buddha intuition, but if you can’t tell stories, your ideas will become as dry as a piece of chalk.”
“Stories are just data with a soul.” said Dr. Brené Brown in his 2010 TED Talk. Data with a soul… This soul that comes with your stories connects your audience to your numbers, your new ideas, that they don’t really care about or understand. It humanizes your data and makes it memorable. “As a leader, public speaking is key to unlocking empathy, generating excitement, sharing knowledge and insights, and fostering a shared dream.” (Chris Anderson, TED Talks)
For this, let’s take Elon Musk, who is known not to be a good speaker; Until its third launch in 2018, all of SpaceX’s launches were unsuccessful. The Falcon rocket exploded right after it fell off the launch pad, causing all employees to lose hope. Most of the employees no longer wanted to listen or do anything new. By the third launch in 2018, Musk came out to talk to them. “For myself, I’m never going to give up, and I don’t mean never,” said Elon, as calmly as he could pull himself together after his sleepless days. Thanks to an impressive display of leadership and courage, his team focused on moving forward rather than looking back. They always knew it would be difficult, but now they had a decision. After the speech, they made history that day and successfully completed the first phase of the launch and launched a spacecraft into space. They just needed to pull themselves together and get back to work. And it was actually a short and effective speech that succeeded…
As in Musk’s case, a good speech not only creates impact, it activates, prevents loss of human resources, creates power, culture, shared purpose, motivation and commitment, and can ultimately lead to world-changing achievements.
If you are willing to speak in person or in public, first ask yourself: “Does it make a difference if I add a story to my speech? Does it convince the audience? Does it help me explain complex information more clearly? Or does it create a strong bond?”
As Jeff Bezos said, “You can have the best technology, you can have the best business model, but if the storytelling isn’t great, it doesn’t matter. Nobody’s going to watch.”
Today, the secret of success in leadership is to be a well-equipped leader.
You can also benefit from our programs on “storytelling in leadership and business life”, which are designed with our international resources and successful facilitators and preferred by the world’s largest companies, especially in Turkey.
Bir Çuval İncir™ – “The Power of Storytelling in Leadership”
Leading Self & Developing New Skills into Times of Change
Serious Games for Inspiring Ideas™ with CCL
© 2025 Forty One North. All rights reserved.
This User Agreement ("Agreement"); was executed between 41 North Business School Eğitim A.Ş.
(“41 North”) who owns and the mobile devices applications, and with its principal office located at Esentepe Mahallesi Büyükdere Caddesi Ferko Signature,No:175 /B4 Levent İSTANBUL and; The (“User”) who becomes a website user by accepting the following terms on the www.41 (“Platform”), in order to set out the conditions for the User to utilize the services provided by 41 NORTH.
41 NORTH and the User shall be hereinafter referred to as "Party" individually and "Parties" collectively.
Buyer: Refers to the legal person who buys or acts with the intention to buy products or services subject to electronic trade via a platform.
Seller: Refers to the legal person launching or selling a product or service which is subject to electronic trade via a platform.
Service provider: Refers to real or legal persons operating in electronic trade.
User: Refers to the real persons who acquire “User” capacity by accepting the User Agreement, the terms of use and privacy statements at, and who becomes a member of the website by providing their personal data, the information requested in the communication/information forms on the website with their own explicit consent, or who only visit the website and use the Platform.
Services: Refers to the applications implemented by 41 NORTH to ensure that Users perform the functions and transactions defined in the hereby User Agreement.
LPPD: Refers to The Law on Protection of Personal Data no 6698.
Personal Data: Refers to any kind of information about an identified or identifiable real person.
Processing of Personal Data: Refers to any transaction carried out with the data, such as obtaining, recording, storage, preservation, alteration, reorganization, disclosure, transfer, takeover, making available , classifying the personal data or preventing its usage by full or partly automatic means, or by non-automatic means provided that they are part of a data entry system.
3.1. In order to obtain the User status, the User must consent to this User Agreement on the Platform, and provide correct and up-to-date the information requested by the communication/information forms contained therein and other requested and other information. User must be over 18 (eighteen) years of age. User who does not provide correct and up-to-date information when filling out the said User Agreement and forms on the Platform, is personally liable for all damage that may occur. The cancellation of the User does not imply the cancellation of the authorization for sending the commercial electronic message The User is required to separately and specifically revoke their authorization for electronic message sending.
3.2. In the case of dispute concerning the person to which the rights and liabilities of User belongs, and the persons in question submits a request with 41 NORTH in this respect, the person who made the last payment to 41 NORTH for any given Service via the relevant User account will be considered as the owner of the User account and action will be taken accordingly.
3.3. In the case where a User wishes to initiate a legal action or a purchasing process in relation to the campaigns and/or advertisements displayed on the Platform, they accept and declare that they are obliged to fulfill all legal obligations and complete all legal procedures required, including those specified on the Platform, and that 41 NORTH shall not be required to be aware of or shall not be responsible to undertake the obligations and procedures in question.
3.4. The User accepts and declares that the 41 NORTH is the seller party and he/she is the buyer party in the distant sales contracts to be executed while purchasing from 41 NORTH through the Platform; 41 NORTH accepts and declares that it is solely liable to him/her in respect of the distant sales contract, in all respects, pursuant to the Seller's applicable consumer law legislation and other legislation.
3.5. In the business model in which 41 NORTH acts as a service provider and sells its own products, the User accepts and declares that he/she is the the Buyer party and 41 NORTH is the Seller party.
3.6. 41 NORTH shall have the right to collect the price of products the User will buy from the Seller and the Buyer shall be released from its payment obligation towards the Seller once it has made such payment to 41 North
3.7. The User accepts and declares that, they will comply with the provisions in this hereby User Agreement, to the applicable legislations and to the code of ethics, with regards to the transactions and correspondence they carry out via the Platform. The civil and penal liabilities related to the User’s actions and transactions within the Platform rest solely with the User.
3.8. Pursuant to the applicable legislations, in the event of a request by the competent authorities, 41 NORTH shall be authorized to diclose the information it has, related to the User, to the authorities in question.
3.9. Personal data obtained from the User during the use of the Platform, may be transferred to other Users and/or Sellers who may be parties to a dispute concerning forgery, fraud by the User and/or Sellers, misuse of the Platform, and offenses which may constitute a crime in terms of the Turkish Criminal Law, provided that such transfer is limited to the claim and serves the purpose of enabling the parties to exercise their legal rights and limited to this scope.
3.10. The User accepts and declares in advance that the operations carried out by him/her when filling out the forms on the Platform were carried out by him/her, that the liability arising from these transactions shall rest with them , and that they will not raise any plea and/or objection alleging that they did not personally carry out these transactions and/or that they will not abstain from fulfilling their obligations in relation to this plea or objection.
3.11. The User shall not use the Platform in a manner that is contrary to law and morality, especially in the following cases.
• Using the Platform as a database on behalf of any person, to create a recording or directory, to check, update or modify;
• Using the Platform in a manner so as to disrupt it fully or partially, to alter it or use it for reverse engineering purposes;
• Carrying out transactions with false information or by using another person's information, false or misrepresented information including, residential address, electronic mail address, contact, payment or account details , incorrect or misrepresented personal data usage to create fake User accounts and the misuse of these accounts in relation to the User Agreement or applicable legislations , using another User’s account without permission, acting as another person or acting as a party or participator with an false name;
The use of comment and rating systems, for purposes which are irrelevant to the Platform such as publishing comments in places other than the Platform , or in ways that are irrelevant to its purpose such as using it to manipulate systems;
• For a virus or other harmful software to spread throughout the Platform, the Platform's database, any content on the Platform;
• For actions which will cause an overload on the technical systems and communications or harm the technical process which takes place, for “screen scraping” software or systems to be used on the Platform without 41 NORTH’s written consent, such as automatic programs, robots, web crawlers, spiders, data mining and data crawling, and for any content on the Platform, completely or partially, to be copied, published or used.
3.12. The User is responsible for carrying out transactions on the Platform without causing technical damage to 41 NORTH material and the Platform under any circumstances. The User accepts and guarantees that they have taken all the necessary precautions to protect the Platform from all kinds of harmful programs, viruses, softwares, unlicensed products, Trojans, etc., including the use of security software and licensed products.
3.13. Usage of the Platform or its contents in breach of the conditions of use specified in the hereby User Agreement or applicable legislation provisions will be deemed contrary to the law; 41 NORTH reserves the right to file lawsuits suits, bring claims and pursuance.
4.1. Your personal data will be processed, collected, used, stored, disclosed, transferred and secured in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and any other applicable data protection law by 41 NORTH.
4.2. 41 NORTH and its affiliated companies will collect information about the User's name, surname, gender, date of birth, full address, work and education status, work experience information, cv information, program preferences, e-mail address, phone number, title, city he/she resided in and his/her nationality, payment and invoicing information, internet protocol (IP) address, access date and time to the Platform, the pages he/she accesses when he/she is on the Platform, and the internet address of the website that provides a direct connection to the Platform
4.3. Personal data belonging to User will be shared with 41 NORTH business partners and cloud service providers, including 41 NORTH and its affiliated companies, third party service providers, in accordance with the following purposes.
4.4. 41 NORTH will process and store User data only for marketing and system support purposes such as sales, loyalty programs, special offers, discounts, promotions and informations about campaigns and activities, software development, to provide Users with better services , and within the framework of the legal obligation arising from the related legislation, particularly Law No. 5651 on Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed by Means of Such Publications and related secondary legislation, Law No. 6563 on Regulation of Electronic Commerce and related secondary legislation, Turkish Criminal Code No 5237 and The Law on Protection of Personal Data No 6698; in order to fulfill its aforementioned purpose and legal obligations, based on explicit consent, taking into account the information security measures, provided that it is not used outside the scope and purpose specified in this Agreement
4.5. .41 NORTH processes the User data to ensure the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of both 41 NORTH and the User arising out of this Agreement (based on the agreement), to fulfill our legal obligations arising out of the Law on the Protection of the Consumer and Turkish Code of Obligations in connection to this Agreement, to offer discounts, opportunities, benefits in line with their preferences and likings and send commercial electronic messages upon their approval, as per Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, the Turkish Commercial Code, Law No. 5651 and the Tax Procedure Law (based on the legislation), within the scope of various CRM applications used to increase user satisfaction/commitment, and transfers these data for these purposes. However, 41 NORTH accepts and declares that it will take the required measures to ensure that personal data are processed and protected in accordance with the LPPD.
4.6. 41 NORTH undertakes to take all necessary technical and other measures to protect personal data against unauthorized or illegal processing, loss, destruction or wipe out, and to establish appropriate level of security for the storage of data. 41 NORTH takes the necessary precautions and monitors the systems regularly to prevent unauthorized access to the systems in information collection, storage and processing applications. 41 NORTH restricts access to user data only to employees, contracting parties, intermediaries and other relevant parties who require strict access to this data and have a strict contractual confidentiality obligation.
4.7. Personal data processed for the purposes specified in this Agreement will be anonymized and continue to be used by 41 NORTH when the purpose for processing the data in accordance with Article 7/f.1 of Law No. 6698 ceases to exist, and when the time limits set out by the law have expired in accordance with Article 138 of the Turkish Criminal Code. The User has the right to always delete and revoke his/her consent regarding the processing and use of his/her personal data.
4.8. Pursuant to LPPD, the User has the right;
a. to know whether or not if his/her personal data have been processed.
b. to request information on the procedure, if personal data have been processed,
c. to obtain information on the purpose of processing personal data and find out whether personal data were used as fit for the purpose,
d. to obtain information about the third persons with whom personal data were shared domestically or abroad,
e. to request the correction of personal data that may have been incompletely or inaccurately processed,
f. to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons for the processing of the personal data have ceased to exist.
g. to require that the above mentioned correction, deletion or destruction to be notified to the third party to whom his/her personal data is transferred, in accordance with Article 7 of the LPPD,
h. to object to the occurrence of an adverse outcome which is detrimental to him/her by the analysis of the processed data exclusively through automated systems
i. to request compensation for damages in the case where damages are sustained as a result of the illegal processing of personal data..
4.9. You can send an e-mail to from your registered email address to request that your records related to your personal data be updated/corrected/deleted in accordance with Article 11/d of the LPPD, to exercise any other rights you may have under article 11, you can send an e-mail signed with your secure electronic signature to, or you can forward a file in the form of "word or pdf.” addressed to 41 NORTH to mail address by signing with a secure e-signature, or you can apply to registered e-mail address existing on the 41 NORTH's web page with your registered e-mail address with secure electronic signature, or you can apply to the current address of 41 NORTH with a petition bearing your wet-ink signature with cargo.
The intellectual property rights of “41 NORTH” brand and logo application and Platform design, software, domain name and all kinds of trademarks, designs, logos, trade dress, slogans and other content produced by 41 NORTH which are related to these, belong to 41 NORTH. User cannot use, share, distribute, exhibit, copy or reproduce work derived from the property of 41 NORTH or its subsidiaries which are subject to intellectual property rights, without written consent. user cannot use the mobile application or the Platform, in full or partially, in another environment without the written consent of 41 NORTH. In the case where a User acts in breach of the intellectual property rights of 41 NORTH or third parties, the Member shall be obliged to compensate for the direct and indirect damage and loss of 41 NORTH and/or the third party in question.
41 NORTH may unilaterally amend this User Agreement and any policy, term and condition included in the Platform by means of an announcement via the Platform, provided that they comply with the applicable legislation provisions. Changing provisions in the hereby User Agreement will become valid as of the date on which they are announced on the Platform, the remaining provisions will remain valid and continue to bring about consequences.
Events occurring beyond the control of 41 NORTH preventing the 41 North from fulfilling its obligations liabilities under the hereby User Agreement or delaying its fulfillment shall be considered as force majeure such as insurgency, embargo, government intervention, rebellion, invasion, mobilization, strike, lockout, work actions or strikes, cyber attacks, communication problems, infrastructure and internet breakdowns, system improvement and renewal work and breakdowns due to , electricity cuts, fire, explosions, storms, floods, migration, epidemics or other natural disasters , and 41 NORTH cannot be held liable for the non- fulfillment or delay in fulfilling the obligations due to Force Majeure and this situation cannot be deemed as a breach of the hereby User Agreement.
8.1. User accepts that in the case of a dispute which may arise from the hereby User Agreement, 41 NORTH’s official books and commercial records and the e-archive records kept in 41 NORTH’s database and servers, electronic information and computer records will be considered as binding, crucial and exclusive evidence and that this clause will be considered as an evidential contract in terms of the 193rd clause of the Civil Courts Law no.6100.
8.2. The hereby User Agreement will be exclusively governed by the Laws of the Republic of Turkey. Istanbul Consumer Arbitration Board and Istanbul (Caglayan) Courts and Enforcement Office shall have jurisdiction over the settlement of all kinds of dispute arising from the hereby User Agreement or related to this hereby User Agreement
8.3. 41 NORTH will contact the User via the e-mail address, via telephone or by sending an / SMS, details of which were provided by the User during the membership process. The User is responsible for keeping their e-mail address and telephone number up to date.
8.4. This hereby User Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties in relation to the matter. If any term or other provision of this User Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, all other terms, provisions and conditions of this User Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.
8.5. User cannot completely or partially assign his/her rights or obligations specified in the hereby User Agreement without the prior written consent of 41 NORTH.
8.6. Failure to exercise or perform any right granted under this User Agreement by either Party shall not be construed as a waiver of such right or shall not prevent future exercise or performance of such right.
As of the 8th clause onwards, this hereby User Agreement, will enter into force as from the moment the User has read and acknowledged each provision in full and approved it in the electronic environment.